Tag Archives: Crime

Video and transcript of Loretta Lynch interview with Chuck Todd: collection of data on police shootings | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42

Here is my transcript of the collection of data portion of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’ interview on 10/1/2015 Continue reading Video and transcript of Loretta Lynch interview with Chuck Todd: collection of data on police shootings | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42

1.5 million missing Black men: How many innocents?

Can you imagine spending thirteen years in jail for a crime you didn’t commit simply because the exculpatory evidence you might have defended yourself with happened to have been given to someone as a gift? Continue reading 1.5 million missing Black men: How many innocents?

.@ShakaSenghor: Why your worst deeds don’t define you | #TED Talk

In 1991, Shaka Senghor shot and killed a man. He was, he says, “a drug dealer with a quick temper and a semi-automatic pistol.” Jailed for second degree murder, that could very well have been the end of the story. But it wasn’t. Instead, it was the beginning of a years-long journey to redemption, one with humbling and sobering lessons for us all.

Everyone one has the potential to find redemption and a purpose in life. Everyone.



Please watch and share.

Curated from www.ted.com