Tag Archives: Racial profiling

From Lena Dunham to Trevor Noah, via Isaiah Washington

Lena Dunham compared her Jewish boyfriend to a dog in a New Yorker piece. Trevor Noah, Jon Stewart’s just-announced replacement, turns out to have tweeted bad sexist and antisemitic cliches. Isaiah Washington, when asked by Don Lemon about Chris Rock getting pulled over three times over seven weeks for “driving while black,” suggested Rock should “adapt.” Continue reading From Lena Dunham to Trevor Noah, via Isaiah Washington

A white mom’s perspective: @Yale’s Report on the January 24 incident

Yale University released, today, its “Ad-Hoc Institutional Advisory Panel’s Review of the Yale Police Department’s Report of the Incident on January 24, 2015.”

This document with a ludicrously long title is fifteen pages long and provides a heavily redacted overview (it’s not an NSA black ops report) of the incident we all know involved an African American Yale police officer drawing a gun on New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow’s son. Continue reading A white mom’s perspective: @Yale’s Report on the January 24 incident

A parent’s love, a parent’s great fear thoughts on #BlackLivesMatter & disability

I will never forget the day unrelenting fear entered my life. It’s been almost nine years. I can still taste its metallic taste in my mouth. I can still hear the sounds that brought it on. I can still see the horror that unfolded that day and subsequent days. Continue reading A parent’s love, a parent’s great fear thoughts on #BlackLivesMatter & disability