Over 50 and once successful, jobless Americans seek support groups to help where Congress has failed | Money | The Guardian

Friday 7 November 2014

When she lost her job, Lisa Casino-Schuetz fell into a depression. Then she felt the deepest fear she had ever experienced. Continue reading Over 50 and once successful, jobless Americans seek support groups to help where Congress has failed | Money | The Guardian

Dem Politics: Post-mortem is the new rehab

Former Governor Howard Dean was on Meet The Press today. With the exception of the very last sentence in this clip, I am in full agreement with everything he said.

Tuesday’s defeat was bound to be the catalyst for the kinds of events that happen after, well, all defeats. The victor gloats. Usually, the defeated retreat for a bit to reflect on their loss and how to move on. Continue reading Dem Politics: Post-mortem is the new rehab