Defining Secular Stagnation | Economics

When we think of economic downturns, we generally think of them as flat up or down. We are all familiar with terms like recession. That is what we are now very slowly getting out of. We know, from our parents and grandparents, what the utter devastation of a depression is. We know, from our most recent … Continue reading Defining Secular Stagnation | Economics

Une société sans croissance: la politique à l’heure de la «grande stagnation» | Slate fr

Fabien Escalona    [bing_translator] L’entrée des démocraties occidentales dans une ère sans croissance paraît de plus en plus crédible. Or, le triomphe de l’Etat nation libéral-démocratique et social a été profondément lié aux «Trente Glorieuses». Que peut-on en attendre pour l’avenir de nos régimes politiques?

What The Fed Does, Especially Under Trump, Should Matter To You | Economics on Blog#42

Why What The Fed Does, Especially Under Trump, Should Matter To You | Economics on Blog#42

The May 2016 Jobs Report Was Especially Bad. What Now? [Updated] | #CaliforniaPrimary on Blog#42

The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ May jobs report of only 38,000 new jobs was bad, even when adding in the Verizon strikers who are accounted for in the monthly count.