The precariat is presented as a new social class in America Continue reading #Precariat: a new social class in America’s new normal: African-American edition | #Black#Economy on Blog#42
Monthly Archives: February 2016
The Problem With Partisanship & Racism isn’t #Progressive, It’s #Neoliberal | Blog#42
The Problem With Partisanship & Racism isn’t Progressive, It’s Neoliberal | Blog#42
#BernieSanders News Roundup for the week ending in 2/26/16 | Blog#42
This is my Bernie Sanders news roundup for the week ending in 2/26/16. Continue reading #BernieSanders News Roundup for the week ending in 2/26/16 | Blog#42
#GOPDebate in 20 Insults. Thanks, @CNN! | Blog#42
#GOPDebate in 20 Insults. Thanks, @CNN! Continue reading #GOPDebate in 20 Insults. Thanks, @CNN! | Blog#42
Finding Sobriety in 2016: Sanders, Clinton & Trump’s “Grab, grab, grab…” Edition | Blog#42
Finding Sobriety in 2016: Sanders, Clinton & Trump: “We’re going to grab and grab…” Edition
Bernie Sanders’ 1994 Crime Bill Vote And Media’s False Equivalencies | #WhichHillary on Blog#42
Interrupted by #BLM, Hillary Clinton Displays Her Supremacist Swagger: Again | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
A BLM activist interrupted Hillary Clinton at a meeting with donors on February 24th, Continue reading Interrupted by #BLM, Hillary Clinton Displays Her Supremacist Swagger: Again | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
David Brock and #HillaryClinton’s Racist Whisper Campaign | #Antisemitism on Blog#42
I recently wrote about the game of racial divide and conquer the Clintons engage in. Continue reading David Brock and #HillaryClinton’s Racist Whisper Campaign | #Antisemitism on Blog#42
It’s #GroundHogDay When A Winner Proudly Says: “We Won The Uneducated & The Hispanics | Blog#42
Trump won the Nevada caucus. If you follow me, you know I was expecting that. Continue reading It’s #GroundHogDay When A Winner Proudly Says: “We Won The Uneducated & The Hispanics | Blog#42
Coming At #BernieSanders From The #CornelWest Angle | #MSM bias on Blog#42
Professor Cornel West is back in the news this week, Continue reading Coming At #BernieSanders From The #CornelWest Angle | #MSM bias on Blog#42