Tag Archives: Banking reform

Paul Ryan’s Bernie Sanders Nightmare: The Progressive Vote Will Make It So | #OurRevolution on Blog#42

House Speaker Paul Ryan has a terrible nightmare and it isn’t Hillary Clinton: Continue reading Paul Ryan’s Bernie Sanders Nightmare: The Progressive Vote Will Make It So | #OurRevolution on Blog#42

America really is nothing like Denmark… | #DemDebate, Optimism vs. #Neoliberalism on Blog#42

Hillary Clinton took swipes at both Bernie Sanders and Denmark in last night’s debate Continue reading America really is nothing like Denmark… | #DemDebate, Optimism vs. #Neoliberalism on Blog#42

Bernie Sanders’ approaches to institutional racism, brutality & inequality parallel MLK’s | Blog#42

Bernie Sanders has given a flurry of speeches throughout the Deep South. One of them was to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Bernie Sanders was on Meet The Press with Chuck Todd on Sunday, Continue reading Bernie Sanders’ approaches to institutional racism, brutality & inequality parallel MLK’s | Blog#42

Blog#42: in-depth analysis of Hillary Clinton’s economic speech

Hillary Clinton gave her long-awaited economic speech this week. Continue reading Blog#42: in-depth analysis of Hillary Clinton’s economic speech

A Clinton approach for angrier times | POLITICO


Hillary Clinton has a unique asset if she runs for president — Bill Clinton, who presided over a booming economy and an era of sunny Democratic centrism.

But she also faces a singular challenge: convincing voters who are skeptical of some Wall Street-friendly policies during his tenure that she can connect with their concerns at a time when the wealth gap is massive between the very rich and everyone else.

After a decade and a half of being tethered to her husband’s record, Hillary Clinton established her own political identity as senator and as secretary of state. But a string of questions from interviewers during her book tour about her husband’s tenure as president underscores the ongoing issue she will face reconciling their past with her future. Continue reading A Clinton approach for angrier times | POLITICO