Tag Archives: Human Rights

Kalief Browder, a “desaparecido” in Jim Crow’s jails | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42

While I don’t think America’s cruel prison-industrial complex has gotten to the point where prisoners are mass-murdered and buried in mass graves, we have gotten to the point where we urgently need to be openly engaged in a conversation about how children and adults of both sexes, particularly African Americans, are whisked off the streets and “disappeared” into jails like Rikers for years at a time, without a trial, for no good reason, left to the whims of a system that is capricious in the way it metes out justice to those who don’t have the means to put up a legal defense. Continue reading Kalief Browder, a “desaparecido” in Jim Crow’s jails | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42

1.5 million missing Black men: How many innocents?

Can you imagine spending thirteen years in jail for a crime you didn’t commit simply because the exculpatory evidence you might have defended yourself with happened to have been given to someone as a gift? Continue reading 1.5 million missing Black men: How many innocents?

#Senate #GOP and #CivilRights: underlining the writing on the wall

The story of the name change of the Senate subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights during a week that wasn’t bustling with breaking news is particularly distressing. Continue reading #Senate #GOP and #CivilRights: underlining the writing on the wall