Tag Archives: Liberals

Dear @MotherJones: Patti Murray is not a Progressive – replacing #HarryReid

Dear Patrick Caldwell,

While I would much prefer to see Senator Warren run for president, she would be best placed to replace Harry Reid, and she would set the progressive tone voters want and keep her fellow Democrats in line. Continue reading Dear @MotherJones: Patti Murray is not a Progressive – replacing #HarryReid

Don Hazen: Apocalypse Now: Seriously, It Is Time for a Major Rethink About Liberal and Progressive Politics | Alternet

October 25, 2014

Don Hazen

As the Editor of  AlterNet for 20 years, I have read and seen the entire range of horrendous and growing problems we face as a society and globe virtually every day. It is not just climate change, or ISIL, or Ferguson, or poverty and homelessness, or more misogynistic murdering of women, or the Democrats about to lose the Senate as Obama gets more unpopular. It is much, much more. Every day. It passes by before my eyes. At AlterNet, there are no issue silos—there is just the open faucet of depressing political information coming and going every hour of every day (with the occasional story of success and inspiration).

Continue reading Don Hazen: Apocalypse Now: Seriously, It Is Time for a Major Rethink About Liberal and Progressive Politics | Alternet

Hillary for Liberals: A Conversation With Walter Shapiro | The American Prospect

This piece originally appeared in The American Prospect
JULY 23, 2014
“As a campaigner, Hillary can do a shot and a beer better than Barack Obama can,” Shapiro says. So there’s that.

As a reporter and columnist for Time, Newsweek, the Washington Post, USA Today, Esquire, Salon, and other publications, Walter Shapiro has covered nine presidential elections and the nation’s politics for four decades. He is currently a fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University and a lecturer in political science at Yale while he finishes a book about his great-uncle, a vaudevillian and con man who once swindled Hitler.

Shapiro is also an accomplished Hillary-ologist, having first interviewed Hillary Clinton in the Arkansas governor’s mansion for Time in September 1992. In early May, Shapiro sat down with Prospect editor-at-large Harold Meyerson to talk about a question he’s internally debated for years: On balance, would a Hillary Clinton candidacy and presidency be a good or bad thing for the liberal cause?

Continue reading Hillary for Liberals: A Conversation With Walter Shapiro | The American Prospect