Tag Archives: neurosurgery

Probing Brain’s Depth, Trying to Aid Memory | NYTimes

By Benedict Carey

PHILADELPHIA — The man in the hospital bed was playing video games on a laptop, absorbed and relaxed despite the bustle of scientists on all sides and the electrodes threaded through his skull and deep into his brain.

The man, Ralph, a health care worker who asked that his last name be omitted for privacy, has severe epilepsy; and the operation to find the source of his seizures had provided researchers an exquisite opportunity to study the biology of memory. Continue reading Probing Brain’s Depth, Trying to Aid Memory | NYTimes

How VNS Therapy for Epilepsy Works| Cyberonics

There are Epilepsy patients for whom medications are not an option. For those patients, alternatives to pharmaceuticals include the Ketogenic Diet. A subset of those for whom the Ketogenic diet offers at least some measurable relief, the addition of a VNS implant can mean effective control of epileptic seizures.

How #VNS Therapy works

VNS is short for vagus nerve stimulation — that is, stimulation of the nerve responsible for relaying messages between the brain and certain parts of the body. Continue reading How VNS Therapy for Epilepsy Works| Cyberonics