Tag Archives: Hiring practices

Defining Secular Stagnation | Economics

When we think of economic downturns, we generally think of them as flat up or down. We are all familiar with terms like recession. That is what we are now very slowly getting out of. We know, from our parents and grandparents, what the utter devastation of a depression is. We know, from our most recent experience, the Great Recession, what that feels like. Some months back, a term was added to the economic conversation: secular stagnation. Though the concept isn’t a new one, it has recently been reintroduced. Continue reading Defining Secular Stagnation | Economics

Court OKs Barring High #IQs for #Cops | ABC News

Please note: this story is from the year 2000

N E W L O N D O N, Conn., Sept. 8, 2000

More ABC US news | ABC World News

A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test has lost an appeal in his federal lawsuit against the city.

Continue reading Court OKs Barring High #IQs for #Cops | ABC News