A late night errand turned into a very special hour Continue reading Tavis Smiley’s Tribute to Prince Rogers Nelson | Passages on Blog#42
Monthly Archives: April 2016
Peter Smith: The Other Great Divide | Guest Commentary on Blog#42
The Other Great Divide
Continue reading Peter Smith: The Other Great Divide | Guest Commentary on Blog#42
#BlackLivesMatter: Keep On Saying It Loud and Proud, Please! | Blog#42
President Obama critiqued Black Lives Matter, not at home, Continue reading #BlackLivesMatter: Keep On Saying It Loud and Proud, Please! | Blog#42
When Hell Freezes Over: Charles Koch Edition | Blog#42
Charles Koch was interviewed by ABC News and… Hell has frozen over. Continue reading When Hell Freezes Over: Charles Koch Edition | Blog#42
Meet My Cyberbully. His Name is Sonny Pichumani | #Cyberbullying on Blog#42
Sonny Pichumani saw my blog post about my GoFundMe campaign Continue reading Meet My Cyberbully. His Name is Sonny Pichumani | #Cyberbullying on Blog#42
Something Made Me Think About Eric Garner Today And I Cried | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Sometimes, witnessing a simple exchange between strangers Continue reading Something Made Me Think About Eric Garner Today And I Cried | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Rest In Power, Prince | Tribute on Blog#42
Prince left as suddenly as he arrived. Continue reading Rest In Power, Prince | Tribute on Blog#42
When Corporate Big Brother Zeroes In On You | @Facebook #Privacy on Blog#42
Privacy and Facebook Chat
Continue reading When Corporate Big Brother Zeroes In On You | @Facebook #Privacy on Blog#42
Jeff Weaver: #BernieSanders To Remain A Democrat Regardless of #Primary2016 Outcome | Blog#42
No, The Bern Didn’t Get Doused in NY: Why Progressives Are Getting Angrier After The #NYPrimary | Blog#42
A friend of mine points to some critical data about yesterday’s New York Primary, Continue reading No, The Bern Didn’t Get Doused in NY: Why Progressives Are Getting Angrier After The #NYPrimary | Blog#42