Tag Archives: Eric Garner

POLL: Whites More Likely To OK Police Striking People

WASHINGTON (AP) — Whites in the United States approve of police officers hitting people in far greater numbers than blacks and Hispanics do, at a time when the country is struggling to deal with police use of deadly force against men of color, according to a major American trend survey.

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Answering Jeffrey Toobin: Who should investigate Police? | #BlackLivesMatter

In his December 30, 2014 piece in The New Yorker, legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin concludes:

“Schneiderman’s idea has considerable appeal; his judgment in the Eric Garner case would surely have had more credibility than the one rendered by Donovan.  Still, special prosecutors are not necessarily good or bad. Like the locals they replace, they are only as good as the cases they bring, or refrain from bringing. That, ultimately, will rest on the good judgment of the individuals involved, and no one has yet figured out a way of putting the right person in place all the time.”

Continue reading Answering Jeffrey Toobin: Who should investigate Police? | #BlackLivesMatter

Police: Chokehold Victim Eric Garner Complicit In Own Death


NEW YORK (AP) — Eric Garner was overweight and in poor health. He was a nuisance to shop owners who complained about him selling untaxed cigarettes on the street. When police came to arrest him, he resisted. And if he could repeatedly say, “I can’t breathe,” it means he could breathe.

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Perspectives on the #EricGarner case: Chief Bratton, #NYPD, Protests, Police Union

Watching Commissioner Bratton’s Face The Nation interview was a cringe-worthy experience. The commissioner rendered very opinionated answers, most of the time, very matter-of-factly and underhandedly. When you pressed your ear close to the TV speaker, you could tell that what was said so calmly wasn’t anything that should be taken as friendly to the people.

When asked how he felt when viewing the Garner choke-hold video, Bratton replied almost glibly:

“I don’t think that anybody watching that video isn’t disturbed by what they saw, that policing using involving use of force, it always looks awful. We have an expression: “lawful but awful…”

Continue reading Perspectives on the #EricGarner case: Chief Bratton, #NYPD, Protests, Police Union

MT: Fireworks on .@AC360: NYT’s @CharlesMBlow vs. Dan Bongino on #NYPD Choking Death

By Matthew Balan | December 4, 2014

Charles Blow of the New York Times faced off with conservative Dan Bongino on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 on Wednesday over whether an inherent racial “bias” against blacks in American society fed into the controversial case of a NYPD officer choking Eric Garner to death during an arrest. Blow claimed that “society…acculturates us to fear, and…that is how the whole justice system becomes corrupted and biased….we are not always even aware that we have the bias.” Bongino, himself a former NYPD officer, ripped the liberal writer’s claims as “utterly absurd.” Blow cited apparent “social science” supporting his “bias” claims, and blasted the former Secret Service agent’s critique as “offensive,” especially in the wake of a grand jury choosing not to indict the policeman in the Garner case: Continue reading MT: Fireworks on .@AC360: NYT’s @CharlesMBlow vs. Dan Bongino on #NYPD Choking Death

Deadspin #Police-#Shooting Database Update: We’re Still Going

By Kyle Wagner

Last Wednesday, we launched an impossibly ambitious project: cataloguing every police-involved shooting in America over the last three years. After one week, we’re further along than we could have imagined. Continue reading Deadspin #Police-#Shooting Database Update: We’re Still Going