Some important posts on Wages, Jobs, and The Fed
Continue reading Some important posts on Wages, Jobs, and The Fed | Economics on Blog#42
Continue reading Some important posts on Wages, Jobs, and The Fed | Economics on Blog#42
Continue reading Inflationary wage growth? Not even close… | Jared Bernstein | #Precariat on Blog#42
I’m a bit behind on curating Jared Bernstein’s posts. I am merging three separate, but related, posts from the past week into one long blog. Continue reading Jared Bernstein analyses: #jobs, #pay, inflation, and the #TPP
When we think of economic downturns, we generally think of them as flat up or down. We are all familiar with terms like recession. That is what we are now very slowly getting out of. We know, from our parents and grandparents, what the utter devastation of a depression is. We know, from our most recent experience, the Great Recession, what that feels like. Some months back, a term was added to the economic conversation: secular stagnation. Though the concept isn’t a new one, it has recently been reintroduced. Continue reading Defining Secular Stagnation | Economics
By Jared Bernstein
August 24, 2014I yield to no one in my admiration for the careful, thoughtful, and reality-based economics practiced by Fed Chair Janet Yellen. So I was taken aback a bit by a section in her Jackson Hole speech on Friday.
It was the part where she gave a number of reasons why the absence of wage pressures may not, paradoxically, be signaling that considerable slack remains in the job market, and therefore, may not be signalling that the Fed should wait on raising rates to stave off faster inflation. Continue reading Jared Bernstein: Chair Yellen Looks Under New Rocks, Finds Same Thing that’s Under Old Rocks
I don’t plan to publish this wage mash-up every quarter, but given the building and misguided pressure on the Fed to start raising rates to prevent allegedly incipient wage and price inflation, I thought I’d update the previous quarter’s result through the first half of this year.