On the surface, February’s jobs report would seem like “breaking news” on America’s TV screens. Continue reading About those new jobs in February’s jobs report | #Economy on Blog#42
Tag Archives: employment
Jared Bernstein and others on our economic outlook, the Fed, unemployment and #FedUp | Blog#42
Report: The Class of 2015: #Employment outlook | EPI | Blog#42
By Alyssa Davis, Will Kimball, and Elise Gould | May 27, 2015
Introduction and key findings
The Great Recession has had lasting effects on employment prospects of young people entering the workforce after graduating from high school or college. Continue reading Report: The Class of 2015: #Employment outlook | EPI | Blog#42
Jared Bernstein: CBPP Forum: Full Employment
Our full employment event…the video!
Watch it here, where ‘it’ is the event CBPP ran yesterday for our full employment project. Ben Bernanke–now a fellow blogger(!)–gave a great keynote speech wherein he made a connection that I view as very important: adding an international dimension to the secular stagnation discussion.
Continue reading Jared Bernstein: CBPP Forum: Full Employment
Jared Bernstein analyses: #jobs, #pay, inflation, and the #TPP
I’m a bit behind on curating Jared Bernstein’s posts. I am merging three separate, but related, posts from the past week into one long blog. Continue reading Jared Bernstein analyses: #jobs, #pay, inflation, and the #TPP
Full employment and trade deficits: PK v. JB re $ | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy
By Jared Bernstein
Paul K’s agrees with me on the core aspects of my post yesterday regarding our persistent trade deficits as a barrier to full employment, but disagrees the dollars status as a reserve currency has much to do with it.
Jared Bernstein: A win-win approach to increase the future labor force

Other than supply and demand, the U.S. economy is doing fine.
Continue reading Jared Bernstein: A win-win approach to increase the future labor force
#JamesBaldwin on #Racism: 1:01 minutes of Truth
The following clip is taken from James Baldwin’s 1968 appearance on the Dick Cavett Show. In all honesty, how many of his words don’t apply in 2014 America? Continue reading #JamesBaldwin on #Racism: 1:01 minutes of Truth
Jared Bernstein: Has the Beveridge Curve Really Shifted? |
August 13th, 2014
The Beveridge Curve (BC) is a favorite tool of labor economists showing the inverse relationship between job openings and unemployment. It’s thus a kind of index of strength of labor demand: when the job market is tight, there’s low unemployment and more unfilled openings/job vacancies, and vice versa.
Continue reading Jared Bernstein: Has the Beveridge Curve Really Shifted? |
3 Reasons Subsidized Jobs Should Be Part of an Economic Mobility Agenda | Center for American Progress
By Rachel West |
The House Ways and Means Human Resources Subcommittee is holding a hearing today on subsidized employment as a tool for boosting economic security. It is high time for Congress to re-examine the evidence on subsidized jobs and to discuss the potential this approach may hold for alleviating our country’s continuing unemployment woes and connecting disadvantaged workers to job opportunities.