@RepJohn Lewis Calls For #MartialLaw in #Ferguson | MSNBC

Congressman John Lewis – a recognized leader of the Civil Rights Movement – spoke out Thursdayon the police violence in Ferguson, Missouri, during an msnbc interview saying President Obama should use the authority of his office to declare martial law to “federalize the Missouri national guard to protect people as they protest.”

Continue reading @RepJohn Lewis Calls For #MartialLaw in #Ferguson | MSNBC

War Gear Flows to Police Departments | NYTimes

NEENAH, Wis. — Inside the municipal garage of this small lakefront city, parked next to the hefty orange snowplow, sits an even larger truck, this one painted in desert khaki. Weighing 30 tons and built to withstand land mines, the armored combat vehicle is one of hundreds showing up across the country, in police departments big and small.

Continue reading War Gear Flows to Police Departments | NYTimes

The Criminalization of Everyday Life | BillMoyers

Sometimes a single story has a way of standing in for everything you need to know. In the case of the up-arming, up-armoring and militarization of police forces across the country, there is such a story. Not the police, mind you, but the campus cops at Ohio State University now possess an MRAP; that is, a $500,000, 18-ton, mine-resistant, ambush-protected armored vehicle of a sort used in the war in Afghanistan and, as Hunter Stuart of the Huffington Post reported, built to withstand “ballistic arms fire, mine fields, IEDs and nuclear, biological and chemical environments.” Sounds like just the thing for bouts of binge drinking and post-football-game shenanigans.

Continue reading The Criminalization of Everyday Life | BillMoyers

Hillary Clinton: ‘Failure’ to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS | The Atlantic

The former secretary of state, and probable candidate for president, outlines her foreign-policy doctrine. She says this about President Obama’s: “Great nations need organizing principles, and ‘Don’t do stupid stuff’ is not an organizing principle.”

President Obama has long ridiculed the idea that the U.S., early in the Syrian civil war, could have shaped the forces fighting the Assad regime, thereby stopping al Qaeda-inspired groups—like the one rampaging across Syria and Iraq today—from seizing control of the rebellion. In an interview in February, the president told me that “when you have a professional army … fighting against a farmer, a carpenter, an engineer who started out as protesters and suddenly now see themselves in the midst of a civil conflict—the notion that we could have, in a clean way that didn’t commit U.S. military forces, changed the equation on the ground there was never true.”

Continue reading Hillary Clinton: ‘Failure’ to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS | The Atlantic

Jonathan Capehart’s Moving Statement on MSNBC’s “Up with Steve Kornacki”

The Washington Post and MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart made a very moving personal statement in today’s edition of Up With Steve Kornacki, in the wake of yet another case of curious police-involved shooting of a young black male in Ferguson, Missouri. Continue reading Jonathan Capehart’s Moving Statement on MSNBC’s “Up with Steve Kornacki”

The Federal Reserve Is Telling Us The Economy Is Pitiful


Fewer than one-third of Americans report being better off financially than they were five years ago, with weak household savings and hefty debt burdens holding back large segments of the economy, according to a new Federal Reserve survey. Continue reading The Federal Reserve Is Telling Us The Economy Is Pitiful

Still No Wage Pressures to Speak Of…And Yet, People Speak of Them… | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

August 9th, 2014

I don’t plan to publish this wage mash-up every quarter, but given the building and misguided pressure on the Fed to start raising rates to prevent allegedly incipient wage and price inflation, I thought I’d update the previous quarter’s result through the first half of this year.

Continue reading Still No Wage Pressures to Speak Of…And Yet, People Speak of Them… | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

Another Conservative Group Gets Entangled in an Indian Casino Money-Laundering Scandal | BillMoyers.com

Curated from BillMoyers.com
By Joshua Holland
August 8, 2014

Politico came up with a big scoop this week when it uncovered internal documents from the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) showing that the Alabama Republican Party had “essentially launder[ed] ‘toxic’ money from the gaming industry by routing it out of state and then back into Alabama” via the prominent conservative group.

Continue reading Another Conservative Group Gets Entangled in an Indian Casino Money-Laundering Scandal | BillMoyers.com