Three #BlackLivesMatter stories while we debated #RachelDolezal | Blog#42

Three important stories were told but scarcely heard today. Here are curated quotes from each: Continue reading Three #BlackLivesMatter stories while we debated #RachelDolezal | Blog#42

Bernie Sanders is not a Socialist. He’s a Democratic Socialist | #Socialism on Blog#42

Now that both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have declared their candidacies and are running in the Democratic primary for Election 2016, those opposed to Bernie, both on the Republican and neoliberal sides of the Democratic tent are harping on the “S” word. Continue reading Bernie Sanders is not a Socialist. He’s a Democratic Socialist | #Socialism on Blog#42

Hillary Clinton and Joseph Stiglitz’ rewriting of economic rules | Blog#42

Paul Krugman’s Derp op-ed didn’t materialize out of nowhere and, while it may have sprung from its author’s inner diva, Continue reading Hillary Clinton and Joseph Stiglitz’ rewriting of economic rules | Blog#42

Throwback Sunday: Congress: Trading stock on inside information? | #Pelosi & #Boehner on Blog#42

In 2011, CBS’ 60 minutes ran a report on some of the perks advance knowledge offers to members of Congress, and how some have availed themselves of them. The two videos below comprise both the original story and a follow up by Steve Kroft, based on the research of a conservative Stanford University professor. Continue reading Throwback Sunday: Congress: Trading stock on inside information? | #Pelosi & #Boehner on Blog#42

Diane Rehm didn’t pull a “Helen Thomas” on Bernie Sanders. She pulled a McCarthy | Blog#42

* Updated: June 14, 2015 Hat tip to Hugh Kaufman on Twitter

Diane Rehm of NPR did something that many characterized as “pulling a Helen Thomas” on Bernie Sanders while she interviewed him. She pulled something, all right, but it was more a McCarthy than it was a Helen Thomas. Continue reading Diane Rehm didn’t pull a “Helen Thomas” on Bernie Sanders. She pulled a McCarthy | Blog#42