Some thoughts on @NewBlackMan and @DrJamesPeterson: The Role of Black Intellectuals | #BlackCultureMatters on Blog#42

Dear Professors Neal and Peterson,

I write to you today because as I gave your talk on the role of the Black public intellectual a second listen in preparation for an entirely different essay, my seventeen year old daughter left her computer to sit near me and listen. While she may at times listen from her desk while engaged in some activity, Girly never leaves her computer to listen to anything I might be playing. But she did, and I thought I would tell you why. Continue reading Some thoughts on @NewBlackMan and @DrJamesPeterson: The Role of Black Intellectuals | #BlackCultureMatters on Blog#42

1.5 million missing Black men: How many innocents?

Can you imagine spending thirteen years in jail for a crime you didn’t commit simply because the exculpatory evidence you might have defended yourself with happened to have been given to someone as a gift? Continue reading 1.5 million missing Black men: How many innocents?