Grading Hillary Clinton on Racism and Civil Rights after Charleston: C-Minus | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42

UPDATE: 6/26/2015 Mrs. Clinton, in a speech given near Ferguson, Missouri, this week used the hashtag AllLivesMatter. Continue reading Grading Hillary Clinton on Racism and Civil Rights after Charleston: C-Minus | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42

Charleston shooter is a White Supremacist; GOP’ers saying otherwise is racist | #Davkaism on Blog#42

Republican behavior in the aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina last night is solidifying its reputation as the party of racism.  Continue reading Charleston shooter is a White Supremacist; GOP’ers saying otherwise is racist | #Davkaism on Blog#42

Three #BlackLivesMatter stories while we debated #RachelDolezal | Blog#42

Three important stories were told but scarcely heard today. Here are curated quotes from each: Continue reading Three #BlackLivesMatter stories while we debated #RachelDolezal | Blog#42