Pittsburgh police chief puts self under investigation for…

The Pittsburgh Chief of Police does something decent, you know, to show solidarity with the people his department serves. The union boss calls him in and… another city, another tail wagging the dog. Madness! Continue reading Pittsburgh police chief puts self under investigation for…

A quote from the introduction to James Baldwin’s Nobody Knows My Name

Few writers speak to me so directly as does James Baldwin. The way he asks the fundamental questions “who am I and why am I here,” is precisely how I’ve always asked them of myself. I can only hope to achieve the kind of courageous self-examination he did. Continue reading A quote from the introduction to James Baldwin’s Nobody Knows My Name

Answering Jeffrey Toobin: Who should investigate Police? | #BlackLivesMatter

In his December 30, 2014 piece in The New Yorker, legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin concludes:

“Schneiderman’s idea has considerable appeal; his judgment in the Eric Garner case would surely have had more credibility than the one rendered by Donovan.  Still, special prosecutors are not necessarily good or bad. Like the locals they replace, they are only as good as the cases they bring, or refrain from bringing. That, ultimately, will rest on the good judgment of the individuals involved, and no one has yet figured out a way of putting the right person in place all the time.”

Continue reading Answering Jeffrey Toobin: Who should investigate Police? | #BlackLivesMatter

#NYPD turn their backs, again. Why are we surprised? | #BlackLivesMatter

January 4, 2014

We were again treated to the spectacle of NYPD officers turning their backs on their mayor. The press, again, fails to properly characterize Commissioner Bratton’s memo to his rank and file. Bratton didn’t plead for decorum. He left it up to his officers. His memo, as reported by the AP, read as follows: Continue reading #NYPD turn their backs, again. Why are we surprised? | #BlackLivesMatter

UPDATED: Bratton: between #NYPD, de Blasio, and #BlackLivesMatter

Gothamist put out a piece on a recent Bratton appearance where he “bemoans all the work it takes to explain police shooting Black men.” Here is an excerpt. Please go on to read the material from December for context. Bratton has gotten away for far too long with a public perception of him that is polar opposite of what he actually stands for. Continue reading UPDATED: Bratton: between #NYPD, de Blasio, and #BlackLivesMatter

Defining Secular Stagnation | Economics

When we think of economic downturns, we generally think of them as flat up or down. We are all familiar with terms like recession. That is what we are now very slowly getting out of. We know, from our parents and grandparents, what the utter devastation of a depression is. We know, from our most recent experience, the Great Recession, what that feels like. Some months back, a term was added to the economic conversation: secular stagnation. Though the concept isn’t a new one, it has recently been reintroduced. Continue reading Defining Secular Stagnation | Economics

George Stinney: Executed In 1944, exonerated in 2014

George Stinney, Black Teen Executed In 1944, May Get New Trial

Associated PressPosted: Updated:

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Supporters of a 14-year-old black boy executed in 1944 for killing two white girls are asking a South Carolina judge to take the unheard-of move of granting him a new trial in hopes he will be cleared of the charges.

Continue reading George Stinney: Executed In 1944, exonerated in 2014

Analysis: “Blood on the hands…” | #BlackLivesMatter

Using the expression “blood on the hands,” Pat Lynch, the head of the NYPD’s largest union, blamed Eric Garner protesters as well as his own mayor for the murder of two of his fellow officers. Never once did Lynch pause in his tirade to mention what, in the first place, led to the protests or his union’s part in fomenting civil unrest. Continue reading Analysis: “Blood on the hands…” | #BlackLivesMatter